Short stories
Come with me

Come with me

Dreams, everybody has one.

Some dreams are more realistic than others, like going to university. Others are not, like when a little girls says she wants to be a mermaid. That is just imagination, which can also be another way of seeing reality. A way of escaping everyday’s boredom. Like when you are reading a book. Books can make you travel from place to place, one second you are at home, on your sofa and the next second, you are jumping off a cliff into an icy river on a hot, summer day. But imagining something doesn’t mean that what you are imagining won’t come true, you just have to believe in yourself and in your dreams. In fact, it’s completely up to you whether your dream will come true or  not. But there is a trick to make your dream become true, you must never lose hope.

That’s what Anna’s older sister, Lily would tell her when she was feeling sad. But now, with her gone, how could she believe in that? It had been Lily who had taught her how to read, it was Lily, who had gotten her first book, which led to Anna falling in love with literature.

But now, every time she saw a library, a bookshop or anything related to books, she would feel the rage inside her, the rage that Anna had tried to keep at bay for five long years, since the day when she last saw Lily.

What had happened to her, nobody knew, not even Anna. One morning she woke up and her sister, her only friend in the world, the only ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, was gone and there was nothing that she could do about it. Had Lily left her? Or was she forced to go? Anna would never know. But she knew what she had to do.

And that was to have hope. That’s what her sister had taught her, during a dark time where everything seemed to be lost, a time that now was only a distant memory. A time so distant that had led to Anna forgetting that having hope was hard and painful and that it was so easy to lose it.

But, all that pain and all that hoping soon paid of as Anna saw Lily again. Not in reality, but in a dream, or was it really, just a dream? It had felt so real and so short, but what did matter was that she saw her again and that Lily had come back to get her.

She had looked at her and smiled as she touched her cheek. Then she offered her hand and when Anna took it, Lily only said one thing.

“It’s time for you to come with me”.