“The next person that says something about my sister is going to lose his head, and I mean it. The Mother said that it’s my turn to pick the next victim anyway.” I said as I polished my ceremonial knives and showed them to Her. “First of all, they’re not victims.” She says, reprimanding me as always. “Sure, it is your turn, but you’re meant to pick someone worthy, someone that The Father, will appreciate. You can’t use the sacrifices for your personal vendettas.” She finishes and groans as she hacks at the last piece of flesh tying her leg to her body. I wince in pain and bite down on her hand as she garbs the limb and tosses it into the fire. She carries on, no matter how much we are bleeding: “You have done it so many times, it is how you got into this situation.” She raises her sword, her blood already turning to rust on my blade, and brings it down onto my neck.
“Was it worth it?” She asks herself, as our head rolls onto the parquet. “Letting jealousy tear you in half, body and mind?”