Short stories
What if?

What if?

What if all flowers were to wither one day? What would we put on the graves of those we say we loved, even though not a tear was shed during their funeral? What if the sun were to stop shining one day? Would we be finally grateful for it, just because it’s gone? What if all trees were be cut down? Would we then realise we made a mistake?

But what if it wasn’t too late to save the last flower from withering, the last ray of sunshine from vanishing, the last tree from being torn? Would we then learn our lesson? Do we have a chance at redemption?

What if this didn’t happen? What if her head wasn’t torn from her neck like the trees? What if the life from her didn’t vanish like the sunshine? What if the same flowers weren’t placed on her grave, by those who didn’t care, didn’t cry even when they said they did?

What if there was a way to change everything, change the world?  Would everything be perfect or would we make the same mistakes, just in different ways, for different reasons?